You are stuck at a band 5 or band 6 and trying very hard to score a band 7, 8 or 9 in IELTS speaking - but you're feeling nervous and scared about it

You dream of moving to a new country, but your current band score is band 5 or 6 and you need to achieve a band 7, 8 or 9 on your IELTS speaking exam, but it feels impossible..

But... when you see other people easily speaking English, you ask yourself...

Why can't I speak English like him/ her?

How can I speak English with confidence?

How can I come up with ideas to talk about without hesitating?

My vocabulary is limited, how can I improve my English vocabulary?

I don't want to avoid speaking English because of fear, how do I fix this?

Every time you say you are going to study for IELTS speaking, you don't know where to start because there is so much information on the internet and you're looking for an IELTS speaking tutor.

You feel nervous, sad and you don't know where to begin.

But you keep making the same mistakes..

Mistake # 1

You've spent a lot of time remembering lists of new words and studying grammar rules

Even though these are important, just focusing on them might not help speak confidently in real situations like the IELTS test.

You might find that even though you know many words and rules you still wonder why you are stuck at a band 5 or 6 in IELTS speaking. The main reason is it's hard to use them when you talk in the test. It's frustrating when all your hard work doesn't make you feel more comfortable speaking in English.

Mistake #2

Talking to native English speakers

This can be helpful, but it might not completely prepare you for the IELTS speaking test. The test has a specific way of asking questions and checking how you answer them.

Just having casual conversations might not get you ready for this type of test, and it can make you nervous when the real test day comes.

Mistake # 3

Taking generic IELTS speaking courses

You are wasting your time on courses that say they are a "perfect" way to succeed in the IELTS speaking test. But they use the same approach for everyone.

Those courses don't understand your problems or how nervous you feel.

This can make you frustrated because you wasted so much time and still don't know why you are stuck at a band 5 or 6.

That's why our IELTS Speaking course is different. We made it just for you.

We understand your problems and the importance of getting ready for the IELTS speaking test FAST.

It's time to leave behind the frustration and try a solution that really works.

Take a deep breath because theres a way to make things WAY better...

Our IELTS speaking preparation course was made especially for you and will help you become a more confident and speak better.
Imagine yourself talking easily with bigger vocabulary, without hesitation, and pronouncing words correctly.
Think about all the great things that can happen when you can talk confidently and clearly, not only for the IELTS test but also in your everyday life.

Remember if you don't solve these mistakes you are making, this would mean..

You won't be able to move to the country you want 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇳🇿🇦🇺🇺🇸
You will miss out on good jobs 👨‍💻
You will remain stuck with a band 5 or 6 and you will always dream of the day you score band 7, 8 or 9 but no ❌ action because you weren't able to get IELTS speaking practice

Taking action NOW is better than missing out on all the good things that can come your way when you solve this problem.

Imagine what it would be like to be a confident speaker who can talk smoothly without hesitation...

Sounds too good to be true?

It's not!

Because I've helped over hundreds of students score band 7, 8 and 9 through our IELTS Speaking classes.

I can't wait to help you too!

About me

Hey! It’s Ms. Waffa!

A mom of two and an English professor in Canada. I graduated with my Masters Degree in Teaching English as a second language from the University of Ottawa and I am an IELTS Speaking online tutor and I have helped hundreds of students score band 7, 8 and 9 on their IELTS speaking exam. I love spending time with my family and friends, and I really enjoy taking my kids to parks and swimming.
When my family and I came to Canada 34 years ago as newcomers, I saw my parents struggle with English. It was hard for them, and they felt frustrated when they couldn't talk or understand well.
When I started grade 1, I started helping them learn English so they could fit in better. It made me happy to see them get better at it.
In high school, there were lots of new students, and I loved teaching them English. Helping people learn a language they weren't used to felt great.
Even now, when I meet new people in my neighbourhood who need help with English, I do my best to assist them because I enjoy it.

Even now, when I meet new people in my neighbourhood who need help with English, I do my best to assist them because I enjoy it.
My love for teaching English turned into my job. I decided to become an English teacher and also an IELTS speaking teacher. But here's the interesting part – I did all this while taking care of my two kids at home. I got my Bachelor's degree in Adult Education, then my Master's degree in teaching English to people who speak another language, and even got my teaching certificate.
I understand your struggles because I saw my parents struggle, and I know how hard it is to get ready for an exam like IELTS speaking. I've been through more than 100 exams during my time in university while being a mom of two kids.
So, when I say I know what you're going through, I really do. I'm here to help you on your journey to becoming confident through my IELTS english speaking course. Let's make your journey a successful one, just like mine has been.



A step by step IELTS Speaking coaching program that helps you boost your confidence, expand your vocabulary, achieve fluency and perfect your pronunciation through our PRESENT, PRACTICE, PERFECT method.

What makes our course different?

PRESENT PHASE: Start with the Basics – We begin by making English easy to understand. No more confusion. We'll teach you the important things you need for the IELTS speaking test, step by step. It's like building a strong foundation, so you'll feel confident.

PRACTICE PHASE: Practice Makes Perfect – Learning is just the beginning. Prepare to boost your confidence and speaking skills through lots of practice. We have proven methods and exercises that help you speak fluently and naturally. You'll speak with more confidence and be ready for any challenge.

PERFECT PHASE: Strive for Excellence – You can achieve a high score, like Band 7 or even higher. You just need to know what a perfect answer looks like. Our course will show you excellent sample answers to guide you. Watch your speaking skills improve as you follow our expert advice. Aim for excellence because you're capable of it. Your journey to becoming a better speaker starts right here.

What you will learn in each module

Module 1

By the end of Module 1, you will feel more confident and less anxious about speaking in English.
You are going to learn things like:

  • The exact strategies on how to manage anxiety during your IELTS speaking exam
  • How to develop effective speaking habits step by step

Module 2

By the end of Module 2, you are going to learn how to master lexical resource and we'll focus on helping you improve your vocabulary. You'll discover ways to learn new words and remember them on all the IELTS general speaking topics.

  • You'll create a special notebook just for new words.
  • Fun quizzes and exercises will help you practice what you've learned.
  • You'll also find out how to use these new words in real conversations (IELTS spoken English), so you can talk with confidence.

Module 3

we will work on enhancing your ability to express yourself clearly and coherently in your speeches.
  • You'll understand why having a good structure in your speech is crucial to help your speaking score.
  • You'll learn how to create clear introductions and conclusions for different speaking test topics.
  • There will be plenty of practice to help you deliver well-organized speeches confidently.

Module 4
You will improve your pronunciation and speak English more smoothly with no hesitation.
  • You'll learn how to spot the common challenges in pronunciation.
  • We'll dive into English phonetics and stress patterns, making pronunciation easier.
  • You'll engage in accent reduction exercises to improve your speech clarity.
  • We'll address mispronunciations and help you correct them.
  • You'll practice those tricky sounds that might have been causing you problems.
Module 5
By the end of module 5, you will know everything about grammatical range and accuracy through different IELTS speaking mock tests. Here's what this module holds:

  • You'll get to know everything about the IELTS speaking test format.
  • We'll make you familiar with what the examiners expect from you.
  • You'll pick up valuable tips on managing your time effectively during the test.
  • You'll practice the 3P method, which helps you prepare thoroughly for the actual IELTS speaking test.
Module 6

You’re almost at the finish line in module 6. By the end of Module 6, you will get an overview on band 9 real life conversations and have expert guidance in all 4 sections of the band descriptors lexical resource, fluency and coherence, pronunciation, grammatical range & accuracy.

  • Learn how people who speak English fluently have conversations.
  • Get really good at talking in English the way it sounds in everyday life.
  • Improve your ability to chat confidently in everyday situations.

Module 7
The final day is all about reviewing everything you learned the last 6 days and making sure we fully prepare you for IELTS speaking.

  • You'll get mock tests that are simulated with a timer to feel like you are doing the actual IELTS speaking exam
  • You will remember how to answer questions in the IELTS speaking test and you are given more chances to practice.
  • How to improve your speaking skills, which will help you excel in both the test and real-life conversations.

You'll Also Get Instant Access To Bonuses..

Pronounce Perfect Mini Course (value: $247)

We start you from the basics where you will learn about pronouncing words starting from phonetic basics, sound differentiation, word stress, sentence stress and more through our IELTS spoken English classes!

Exam Success Blueprint Mini Course (value: $97)

How to successfully score band 9 through this IELTS speaking practice online mini course!

Webinar Series Mini Course (value: $97)

Watch past webinars where students had a chance to practice answering different IELTS speaking questions and I provided feedback.

IELTS Kickstart: Your Beginners Guide To Exam Success (value: $97)

Introduction to all 4 components of the IELTS exam. You will learn the most essential strategies for the reading, writing, listening and speaking sections.

All together you get...

✔️ IELTS Speaking Band 7 in 7 Days Course – Step by step curriculum that includes 7 modules to complete within 7 days  (Value: $97)
✔️ SpeakFluencyPro – 5 Full IELTS Speaking Mock Tests with Different Native English Speakers (Value:$97)
✔️ SpeakWell Conversations – Audio recordings of natural English conversations with native English speakers to practice listening and speaking (Value:$97)
✔️ Band 7+ Pro Phrases eBook – Hundreds of phrases you can use on different topics (Value:$57)
✔️ Talking With Confidence eBook – Strategies on confidence building (Value:$27)
✔️ IELTS Speaking Sample Questions and Answers eBook – 500+ sample questions and answers (Value:$87)
✔️ IELTS Speaking Success Secrets eBook – A downloadable PDF guide on how to crack the IELTS speaking test (Value:$57)
✔️BONUS: IELTS KickStart - Step by step course on a beginners guide to all 4 sections of the IELTS exam (Value: $247)
✔️ BONUS: Pronounce Perfect Mini Course – Everything you need to know about pronouncing words perfectly (Value: $247)
✔️ BONUS: Exam Success Blueprint Mini Course – Everything you need to know about how to achieve a high band In IELTS Speaking (Value: $97)
✔️ BONUS: Webinar Series Mini Course– Listen to previous webinars where students ask me questions about IELTS speaking (Value: $97)

Total Value: $1097

Today's Price: $97

My Qualifications

Native English Speaker From Canada

  • M.Ed in Teaching English As A Second Language
  • M. Ed In Online Course Creation
  • CELTA Certified Instructor
  • Taught over thousands of students worldwide
  • 7+ years experience as an English teacher

My teaching philosophy: Creating easy and fun lessons and offer IELTS spoken English classes near you (online!) that will help you learn English quickly

What other students said about our course

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied within the first 24 hours of the course, you get 100% of your money back.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What level should I be to enroll in this course?

This course was created for students who are between band 5, 6 and 7 and are hoping to achieve band 7, 8 or 9 in IELTS speaking.

Is the course really only 7 days?

Yes, the modules are spread out within 7 days so you can complete one module a day.

What band score can students achieve in the IELTS speaking exam after this course?

This course was designed for students who want to achieve a band 7 and higher in IELTS speaking.

How long will it take to see improvements in my speaking skills?

Your speaking skills will improve within a few weeks of dedicated practice and engagement with the course materials.

What if I can't attend the live zoom session?

All lessons will be recorded, so you are able to view it at your own time!

Can I access the course on a mobile device or tablet?

Yes, our course is accessible on various devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

What if I'm not satisfied with the course? Is there a refund policy?

If you are not satisfied, you can ask for a refund within 7 days of starting the course.

How do I access the bonuses included with the course?

Bonuses are accessible within the course platform, and instructions for access are provided.

Buy The Course Today!